Saturday, May 16, 2009

Best Muscle Building Program

The best muscle building program is one that is designed specifically for your body type. With so many training routines available, it can be difficult choosing one to utilize. The key is knowing what type of body you have and picking a routine that can help you the most.

Everyone's body is different and therefore responds differently to a workout. Some exercises work great for some people but don't work for others. Some exercises even hurt certain people and lead to injuries and even weakening the muscles.

The first step to bulking up is figuring out your body type. If you struggle to gain weight, you are considered a hardgainer. Their muscles recover slowly and need a training program that takes this into account.

If you add muscle and weight easily, you can choose almost any workout routine. The ones you find in muscle magazines can work great as can exercises you copy from a strong friend.

The best training routine for a hardgainer is one that allows for ample rest time to let the muscles fully heal. When they don't fully heal in between lifts, they actually weaken instead of strengthen. It also makes the body more susceptible to injury and illness.

A great routine consists of only 3 to 4 hours in the weight room each week. These workouts should not last more than an hour. This is great for triggering muscle growth while still giving the muscles time to recover from the previous workout. A great schedule to follow is working out 4 days one week, than 3 the next week. This allows you to rest a full day in between each workout.

Before I found this weight training system, I struggled through 6 years of lifting without gaining hardly any weight or strength. Now I've added 28 pounds in just 8 months. This system tells you exactly when to lift and how much to lift. It makes gaining weight and building muscle incredibly easy, even for a hardgainer like myself. Check out No Nonsense Muscle Building

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