Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's Add a Den

A den addition to your home can be a terrific investment of both time and money. Not only will it increase the value of your home, it will also create a wonderful cozy family gathering place you can enjoy for many years to come.

There are many ways to add a den to your home. One way to add a den is to claim attic space. The use of attic space offers a number of fascinating possibilities ranging from a secluded and cozy retreat to a loft that overlooks the kitchen or great room. A second way to add a den is to consider the basement. Unused space in the basement of your home can also be converted into a very nice den. A third way, which offers unlimited possibilities, is to build an addition to your home for a cozy den.

A den will probably be relatively small (as compared to a family room or great room. You will want to make it cozy and comfortable for your family to use for TV or movie viewing, reading, enjoying music, or just gathering for an evening chat. Creating a feeling of warmth and comfort is generally the goal of den design.

The first questions you will need to answer in deciding where you will add your den and what size the room should be are these:

* Will you convert an existing room?

* Will you renovate your attic?

* Will you finish a space in your basement?

* Will you den be an addition to your existing home?

* If the den will be an addition, where will it join the existing structure?

* What will be the size of the room?

The next set of questions to answer concern access and connection to the rest of the house.

* How will you have access to your new den? Will you be able to use an existing stairway (to attic or basement)? Will you need to add and construct a new stairway?

* How will you connect your new den addition to the existing structure? Will you need to create a doorway or hallway from the existing structure into the new den? Will you remove a wall from your house to connect with the new den?

One very popular approach to den additions is to remove an exterior kitchen wall, allowing the new den to connect with the end of the kitchen. This approach can create a very warm, comfortable and cozy living space for your family. If you choose this option, you will need to decide whether to remove the entire section of wall or to create either a doorway or an arched opening into the den. The use of a smaller doorway to the den will have minimal effect on the look and feel of the kitchen. Building a den addition that is completely open to the kitchen will affect the look and feel of both den and kitchen. This very popular approach to den addition, however, will require careful planning and design.

There was a time when a den was simply a small room that might have built-in bookcases and was probably paneled in wood (Generally knotty pine). Families, builders and contractors have become far more creative in recent years, designing spaces that are far more interesting and functional. Here are some room-design ideas you might want to consider in planning your den.

1. If you are remodeling an attic space, consider creating an open staircase from the floor below and leaving the area that connects with the rest of the house open. Either a half-wall or a wood or wrought iron rail can prevent accidents and create a feeling of more space in both rooms.

2. If you are remodeling a basement space, consider ways you can create the same effect of openness in the way you provide access to your basement den.

3. If you are adding to your home, consider something more creative than a simple doorway to join the den to the existing structure. You might consider placing a see-through fireplace between the kitchen and the den with open space on each side for access. You can connect your den to other rooms in the same way.

4. If you are adding a den that connects with your kitchen, consider using a "breakfast bar" to delineate space. Or, just allow the kitchen and den to flow together.

5. You can create the feeling of warmth in a den through color choices for paint, wallpaper and furniture. Flooring materials can also create very exciting effects. Rather than paneling, you might consider adding the warmth of wood with hardwood floors and open-beam rafters in the den.

If your new den will be an addition to the house, you will need to think carefully about the grade of the land, the appropriate type of foundation, and the external appearance of the new addition. The external materials will certainly need to match or blend with the exterior of the existing house. The line of the new roof will need to be consonant with the existing roof line, and the shingles should match. You can, however, consider some options that will make your home more energy efficient, such as installation of solar energy panels or a skylight. A fireplace could provide alternative heating as well as creating a feeling of warmth in the room. With so many styles of fireplace available, you will certainly be able to find and include a fireplace that accents your den and other rooms with which it connects.

Whether you choose to remodel existing space or to add to your home, you will need to attend to heat and air conditioning in the new den, as well as electricity. This, as well as the need to construct a foundation and exterior walls, may help you decide whether this is a do-it-yourself project or you need to call in professionals for all or part of the work. Many localities require electrical and heat/air work to be done by licensed professionals. If you are building a fireplace, proper ventilation will be critical. You may want to have a professional do these types of work, leaving the paneling or drywall and decorating for you to do.

Whether you choose a simple plan or a very creative and exciting room design, you can create a marvelous living space for your family by adding a den to your existing home. The project will be great fun to plan and build, and you will have a renovation that will improve your lifestyle and increase the value of your home.

Dan Fritschen is a highly respected remodeling expert and the author of several books on remodeling. His website offers free information, cost estimates and referrals to homeowners considering home remodeling.

Damaged Ceiling Paint

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Upgrade Your Home in a Recession

Almost everyone I know has seen their home values fall in the last two years, many in the double digit range. However, there is a silver lining to this economic downturn for some lucky homeowners. This is an ideal time to remodel your house. (If you're at grave risk of losing immediate household income or if you have no equity whatsoever in your home, please read no further.)

If, however, you have been wanting to remodel for a while, plan on remaining in your home for the next 10 years or longer, or want to be a more competitive seller in this buyer's market, now can be an excellent time to begin a remodeling project.

Here's why:

1. The best builders, contractors and trades have much greater scheduling availability right now, which gives you access to professionals you might not otherwise be able to get. As the New York Times put it, during the boom years, "Good contractors were as hard to get as celebrated doctors." Their knowledge and skill are unchanged. It's just that many have more down time at the moment.

2. Given the laws of supply and demand, the drop-off in work has driven down prices on some goods and services. This gives you the upper hand in negotiation. Consider, though, that the best folks are still going to cost more in labor than the less skilled ones. However, they very well may save you money -- and aggravation -- in the long run, as you won't have to hire someone else to fix amateur mistakes or a lawyer to bring them to heal.

3. Many of the weaker players are being weeded out by the economy before you ever meet them. The remaining pros are better project managers with stronger referrals. This will reduce your chances of running into the kind of con artist that's drawn to a boom and moves on during a bust.

4. New rules make it easier for senior homeowners to finance their projects through reverse mortgages. Contact one in your area to see how this can bring you a new kitchen, bath, addition, etc.

5. There are excellent, new products on the market that will help you save money on water and energy. By building them into your remodeling project, they could help pay for themselves, and make your home more appealing to future buyers. According to a recent study by McGraw Hill quoted by the Wall Street Journal, "One-third of home buyers say they are willing to pay a premium of $20,000 or more for a green home." (Helping the environment is a plus, too.)

6. On a related note, local laws in some areas and new federal incentives may offset costs for water- and energy-saving products you can incorporate into your remodel.

7. If someone in your home has respiratory issues like asthma, changing to more indoor-air-quality-oriented products can improve their comfort and well-being. There are terrific products on the market now to assist you - and them - in that regard.

8. If an aging relative moves in with you, or you're looking at staying in your home into your senior years, upgrading your home with aging-in-place features can improve your safety and enhance both your home's livability and resale value. (Less than 10 percent of American homes are built with aging in place features, while millions of Americans are getting ready to retire -- you do the math!)

9. Unlike the house flippers we saw remodeling in recent years to keep up with the Joneses, those of you who have been in your home for a while really know its strengths and weaknesses. You also know what truly makes sense for your lifestyle. This will yield a more successful outcome on your project, more suited to how the home can best be improved for its residents and guests.

10. If you're spending more time in the house these days, as many folks are, improving your home will provide some anti-recessionary joy. And who couldn't use that taste of sunshine these days?

Jamie Goldberg, AKBD, CAPS is an NKBA-certified, independent kitchen and bath designer in Tampa, Fl. She is also a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and nationally-published design journalist. Jamie's articles have appeared in Kitchen & Bath Ideas, Fine Homebuilding, Signature Kitchens & Baths, From House to Home, Woman's Day Kitchens & Baths, and many other top web sites, newspapers and magazines. In addition to designing and writing, Jamie speaks frequently to professional and community groups on the design, remodeling and aging in place topics.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Modular Homes - A Home Builder's Delight

The Advantages of Modular Homes

Modular homes sections are constructed in climate-regulated manufacturing plants, allowing builders to eliminate the expensive delays they experience whenever the weather their building sites turns against them. The time it takes to have a modular home up and in move-in condition from the moment it is ordered can be as short as ninety days, and that kind of turnaround can mean savings which a builder can pass along to a customer. Being built inside and away from the weather also means that modular homes can be ordered at any time of the year.

Discounts On Materials

Another advantage modular homes offer for builder-developers is that their materials, both for the exterior, and the interior finishing materials and appliances, can be ordered in bulk lots, at significant discounts. Yet they will be equal in quality to any of the materials or appliances used in standard homes. This is another huge savings for the builder, and eventually for the customer.

Factory Site Quality Control

One often overlooked advantage of modular homes for builder-developers is that because a modular home is manufactured in a single factory, those who are building it will be subject to the same performance standards. The end result is a home of uniform quality throughout, and both the home builder and the future home owner will benefit from knowing that.


How about the fact that going modular allows a builder to tailor his home plans to his customers' specifications? This is a terrific advantage of modular homes for builder-developers because it gives the builder the flexibility to either draw up his own plans or order homes built to an individual buyer's request. Modular homes can be created in any architectural style, and a design plan can even be changed via computer if the customer comes up with a new idea.

Unlimited Choices

Another advantage of modular homes for builder-developers is that there is literally no limit to the size or architectural detailing of these homes. From vacation cottages and log cabins to palatial multi-storey seaside retreats, of even multi-family structures, modular homes are available for every possible taste and budget. There are even some builders who now choose modular construction for their commercial office projects.

The advantages of modular homes for builder-developers have become so great that they clearly outshine any small stigma which may remain in the minds of some when they hear the term "modular home!"

You can also find more info on buy modular home. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Homes.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Choosing a Contractor and Comparing Bids

Whether you are doing a remodeling project in St. Paul or Minneapolis-or somewhere else in the world-one thing remains the same: choosing a contractor is one of the most important things that you will do. Having a great contractor on your side is extremely important and will make the difference between a mediocre remodel or one that is excellent. Of course while you are on the lookout for a top notch contractor, you are going to want to compare bids that contractors offer you along the way. You'll find that there is a lot of room for negotiation when it comes to the bids on the remodeling. So, when you do get a bit, you should learn to negotiate to make sure you get what you want. If you are ready to start comparing bids, here is a closer look at what to look for in bids, comparing them, the materials to consider, and the best tips for finding the best possible bid out there.

Things to Look for in a Bid
First of all, before you can really make a decision on contractor bids, you are going to have to know what you should be looking for in a bid. This is something that occurs before you sign a construction contract. So, here are the top things you need to look for in contractor bids on construction services for your home.

- Clear Definition of the Work - One thing that you should be looking for in a good bid is a clear definition of the work that you need to have done. The bid should be very specific about this. Having some plans included is a great idea, with the initials of the contractor at the bottom of the each page of the plans that have to do with their proposal.

- Dates of Starting and Completion - Another aspect to look for in a good bid is the dates when the contractor is going to state and when they propose to have the project completed.

- The Insurance Provisions - The insurance provisions should also be included in any bids from contractors. You will want to know what is covered and who is going to be providing that coverage.

- Price of the Bid - Of course the price of the bid should be included in the bid. Of course not just the price should be included. However, how the price will be paid should be included and when the money should be paid should also be a part of the bid. Here you should find how long the bid is going to hold as well.

- Responsibility of Cleanup - The responsibility of the cleanup is another thing that should be included in the bid that the contractors give to you. The last thing you want is to get left cleaning up everything on your own. So, make sure you see on the bid whether they will clean up after the work or if they are going leave it all up to you. This can definitely make a difference in the bid that you decide to choose, so read very carefully.

- Conditions that Can Lead to Withholding Payment - - Any conditions that can lead to you withholding payment is something else that should definitely be included on the bid.

Tips For Comparing the Bids
Once you have several different bids from various contractors, that include the construction services that will be offered and more, then you will need to start actually comparing these bids so you can go on to have a construction contract drawn up and signed. Carefully compare these contractor bids. You want to make sure that you go with the best possible option for your needs. A great way to compare is to come up with a comparison sheet so you can easily compare these bids. This will allow you to more easily see how the bids compare to each other. Remember, the price is not the only thing that you are going to want to consider. The quality of materials and amount of work is going to matter as well. Go for the best value for your money, not just the lowest price.

Keep the Quality of Materials in Mind
Product material quality is an important consideration when you are taking a look at the contractor bids that are offered to you. You need to realize that the lowest price that is offered to you may not be the best deal for you. Make sure that you look at the materials that are going to be used. Make sure that the materials used are going to be quality. Why pay less only to have lower grade materials used on the remodel? So, ensure that you keep this in mind when you are looking at the bids.

Top Tips for Finding the Best Bid
So, you may be wondering how you can find the best possible contractor bid. Well, there are several ways to do this. First of all, you need to go through the bids line by line. This way you get a good idea of the comparison. Go with the more experienced and quality contractor as well, even if they don't have the lower price. Consider trying to negotiate the price. Let them know you'd love to have them work with you, but you have a limited budget. They may be willing to come down a bit on the price quoted in the bid. If you never ask about a lower price, you'll never know if they will come down a bit. So, make sure that you get out there and do some negotiating so you and the Minnesota contractor can come to a good agreement.

Visit to learn more about a the remodeling process as well as working with a contractor. John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Asked Myself, Is Tap Water Safe For Bathing and Showering?

I reckon very few of us take time to think about the quality of the water we use at home for non-drinking purposes. Perhaps we should, as I discovered some alarming data which indicates that certain contaminants could be affecting our health and well being.

Is tap water safe for bathing and showering is an intriguing question. A good many of us may have pondered over the cleanliness or purity of our tap water for drinking but never given a second thought to its other uses.

Maybe it's time we took a closer look at what's in our water that some experts say might be detrimental to our health. This article will look at a few of the relevant points.

Surely there is nothing more relaxing than having a nice soak in a bathtub or enjoying a refreshing hot shower after a hard days work. However, such innocent and commonplace activities need one vital thing, hot water, which produces steam. It's what else is in steam that concerns me, namely the chemical chlorine.

It's used extensively by municipal water treatment plants to kill off any bacteria and viruses present and it performs that task reasonably well and efficiently. But by the time that water reaches our homes there is still a residual amount left. So, under hot, steamy conditions like taking a shower or bath any chlorine will evaporate and become gaseous, and this vapor is what we breathe in and our bodies absorb.

Some analysis of this has indicated that we ingest much more of this toxic chemical from showering than from simply drinking tap water. If you have a respiratory condition like asthma or bronchitis it could aggravate the condition. For those of you who would like a solution there is one in the form of fitting a shower head filter, which will remove not just the chlorine but other contaminants.

Peter Foremski is Editor of and cares passionately about the quality of water that he drinks and uses. He runs an informational website that uncovers the best products and where to buy them with the best discounts. So begin your 'thirst' for knowledge here.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Web Design Basics Do You Know the 5 Essential Elements For Any Web Site?

There are those that say that the world became a lot less understandable with the arrival of desktop publishing and multiple fonts. Everybody began to add bells and whistles to the simplest documents.

To some extent this is just as true for web site development! Before you get fancy and clever with the design or special effects, make sure youve addressed a few web design basics.

It starts with good content. Make sure your site offers useful and informative content. Visitors to your site arent looking for an art gallery, theyre looking for information. Make sure you give it to them.

Make it readable. The content wont do much good if its displayed in yellow on a white background, is in the smallest possible type, or uses an unreadable font. This also includes compatibility issues that make content unreadable make sure your site works on Microsofts Internet Explore, Mozilla, and Apples Safari.
Add good navigation. If youve provided the content, make sure your visitors can find it. That includes search engines trying to catalog your site appropriately. Keep your menus and submenu obvious and direct. Make sure links and cross-links are visible and intuitive. Adding a site-map is always a good addendum to helping both users and search engines find what theyre looking for.

Keep it clean. Its essential that your site has no bugs, no dead-end links, no spelling errors, and no out-of-date data. In all events, inspect and monitor your site content carefully.

Keep it simple. Web design basics are just that basic. Dont use effects unless they add-value to your objectives. Using elaborate effects, even using tools like Flash, often make your site harder to use and harder to get to the information your visitors are looking for. Likewise, dont implement an elaborate page structure when a simple one will do.

These essential web design basics boil down to common sense. Paying attention to these four essentials is a good benchmark for managing your own site.

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Carpet Dye: What You Should Know

If you want your carpets to take on a new look and don't want to spend the money to replace them you should consider carpet dye. It's a low cost alternative that will give your carpet a total face lift.

Both nylon and wool carpets can be dyed. Polyester, polypropylene, and acrylic cannot be dyed. The current color of your carpet will determine what color you can dye your carpet. For example if your carpet is red and yellow dye and you would get an orange carpet. Of if your carpet was blue and you added red you would get a purple carpet. White and light beige carpet can be dyed any color but you can never get a deep black. You can never go lighter when dying carpet, only darker.

There are two common methods used to dye carpet. One is by spraying the dye using a want that produces between 150 and 500 pounds of pressure. If you are performing a total color change this method can have some issues with penetration.

The second method is to apply the dye with a rotary scrubber which has nylon bristles. The machine is moved across the carpet in an overlapping pattern so no areas are missed. You need a great deal of experience to get a professional look but the penetration is excellent and its' the best method of the two.

You must be sure to use professional carpet dye to ensure your carpet dye job works. Just like a bad hair dye you can get a bad carpet dye too. Fiber pro dyes are designed to work on nylon, wool, and carpets that have a stain resistant coating. The colors are bright and they are fade resistant. You need to know what the material of your carpet is and ensure that it is capable of being dyed. Because dying a carpet is a complex procedure it would be in your best interest to have a professional come into your home, have a look, and let you know if your carpet can be dyed, how well it will take, and how much it will cost.

If you are having touch up work done a professional will use a match system to match up the color as close as possible. Automobiles often have their carpeting dyed and the professionals will match the carpet as close as possible to the original.

When the carpet dye is applied it is applied to the surface and the lightly brushed into the nap. The professional will know the exact amount of dye to apply to your carpet to obtain the color choice. To find a good professional make some calls to local carpet dealers. Remember you can use carpet dying to do touch up on spots that have had color discoloration or removal due to bleach.

Carpet dying is truly an art form. If you are going to give it a try yourself and eliminate the cost of the professionals I encourage you to get some scrap carpet, hopefully in a similar color to what you are going to dye, and then practice, and practice some more. If you feel confident you can do it, go for it. But remember the cost of the professional might be a good investment of money because you could wreck your entire carpet.

Carpet dye is an excellent way to give your carpet an affordable face lift and get a few more years out of it. It's also a good choice if you have changed your decor and your carpets no longer fit. So be sure to call a professional to find out more about the carpet dye option.

John Murray makes it easy to go through the carpet buying process and provides tips to keep your carpet lasting long. To learn more and receive your free mini-course visit the carpet rugs website.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kitchen Design For Your Home - Home Tips

From Basic Barbecues To Designer Kitchens Luxurious Kitchen Granite Countertops Are The Focal Point.

Are you considering a great outdoor kitchen design for your home? If so, you aren't alone!

In fact, a growing number of homeowners are deciding to expand their outdoor living space by creating a functional yet beautiful outdoor kitchen design that allows them to spend more time in the great outdoors.

It should come as no surprise that the popularity of outdoor kitchens continues to rise. After all, installing an outdoor kitchen offers a number of benefits. Some of these benefits include...

* Providing you with more space for social gatherings or to spend time with your family

* Helping you keep your air conditioning bill down by allowing you to cook outdoors and preventing extra heat from building up inside your home

* Keeping the messes and smells involved with cooking outside, so your home can remain clean and smelling great

* Increasing the value of your home

In addition to offering all of these benefits, it is possible to create a great outdoor kitchen design without having to spend a significant amount of money.

While a luxury design could certainly cost well over $100,000 to complete, it can also cost less than $1,000 to develop a basic design. The final cost of your outdoor kitchen design will depend upon how many extras you decide to include with your project.

For example, an outdoor kitchen that contains all of the features you would find in an indoor kitchen, or one that features luxury items such as kitchen granite countertops, will be more expensive than a basic design that consists solely of a built in backyard barbeque.

When deciding on the outdoor kitchen design that is right for you, consider your short and long-term plans, as well as your budget. If your budget does not allow for more luxurious items such as kitchen granite countertops, look into other options that can be just as functional while allowing you to create a design that is well within your budget.

You also need to consider the amount of available space when planning an outdoor kitchen design. While your budget may allow for an extensive outdoor kitchen, putting one in a very small backyard may look awkward and overcrowded.

By using your outdoor space wisely and selecting a design that will complement the size of your space, as well as the style, you will be certain to create a beautiful and functional design that will bring years of entertainment to you and your family.

James Mahoney is the owner of Kitchen Designers He has written many articles on kitchen design and puts out an information packed newsletter. Learn about kitchen design ideas and trends by visiting his site at

Water Stains On Shingles

What is Cladding - Home Advice

In the building trade (and for your home) the term 'cladding' refers to applying one of many types of materials to the external walls of a house to increase protection from the elements. Cladding protects a home by reducing the infiltration of rain or damage caused by frost for example. As well as increasing the protection of your home, it can also add a stylish and modern touch to homes and commercial buildings.

What types of cladding are there?

Wooden cladding

Popular choices include pine and spruce although larch and cedar are also good choices as they can be used untreated. As wood can be cut and trimmed to any size, you can select from a range of sizes to suit your home. Make sure you speak to the experts about the thickness and size of cladding most suitable for your home. As every tree is different, wooden cladding can create a really unique look to your home. You can purchase it pre-treated or for the individual look you can treat it yourself with a wood-stain to get the finish and colour you require. With wooden cladding it's important to make sure the cut ends of the wood have been treated with preservative to ensure water doesn't seep in and warp the wood.

UPVC cladding

UPVC cladding is generally a cheaper alternative to wood but it can look just as attractive. UPVC is very easy to maintain which means you won't need to worry about the upkeep of your cladding if it's been installed correctly. UPVC cladding doesn't require painting so it's a great solution if you want an attractive look without the hassle. This type of cladding is versatile enough to be used on any style of home to increase the protection of the exterior walls.

Stone cladding

Natural stone cladding is a great look for property of all ages, particularly properties in rural surrounds. If you want the effect of stone cladding but without the expense of covering your whole home then you can add subtle touches such as to your porch, garage or the side of your house which takes the brunt of the weather. Stone cladding is very durable so is a great long term investment. If you have a large budget then you can really make an impact with luxurious stones such as granite or marble. Stone cladding is a popular choice for business properties such as hotels or offices as it looks stunning and can make a building really stand out. It is also a regular feature in lobbies, entrances and receptions and stones such as quartzite have a natural sparkle to them which adds a real touch of luxury.

Don't forget that wood and stone cladding can also be fitted into your home's interior. Marble for example can be a stylish and low maintenance option for bathrooms and as it's durable, it saves on the time and cost of refitting tiles every few years.

Cladding can have considerable benefits including protecting your home and creating an aesthetically pleasing look. It can be difficult to remove though so make sure you consider all the options and speak to the professionals before you have any fitted.


Installing A 32 Inch Back Door

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bath Lift Features and Benefits - A Consumers' Guide to Bath Lifts

Bath lifts are specially designed seats that fit into a standard bathtub with no remodeling or drilling necessary. The seat lowers the user into the bath, and then raises them when they are ready to get out. Of course, some bath lifts are better than others. For example, a reclining bath lift is more comfortable - who wants to sit up perfectly straight while taking a relaxing bath?

The dimensions of the seat itself should also be a consideration. The width of the seat is pretty standard within an inch or so (because it must fit into a standard bathtub), but the depth of the seat varies. Would the user prefer a "deeper" seat, or not? Also, different bath lifts have different weight capacities: if the user is 300 lbs. or more, they will probably need one of the more robust bath lifts. Should the bath seat be portable, to make it easier to transport or store? Most of the better bath lifts can be broken down into two or three pieces, making storage or transportation much easier.

The optional features that are offered with bath seats can make all the difference in the world. For example, some bath lifts offer an optional swivel seat which makes getting into and out of the seat much easier. Also, soft seat covers are usually considered optional and would be more comfortable than the hard plastic surface, but would require cleaning more regularly. For those with greater mobility needs, some bath lifts offer chest harnesses or lap harnesses, which can make it much easier for a caretaker to use.

Bath lifts can be large, expensive, fixed installations; but this guide primarily deals with the more affordable types that are mounted to the bathtub by suction cups and are battery-operated. All battery-operated bath lifts are designed to use the charge intelligently. That is, they will not lower the seat into the bath unless the remaining battery charge is sufficient to raise the chair back up. This means the user doesn't have to worry about being stuck in the bathtub because of a dead battery in the bath lift. These types of bath lifts are very dependable, safe, sturdy, and they don't require professional installation. These models are also much more affordable and have become much more popular than fixed installations.

If you are thinking of purchasing a bath lift for yourself or a loved one, you should take all of these factors into consideration. Bath lifts are now as inexpensive as $500, reclining models are as low as $600, and they offer all the same benefits as the heavy installations that cost several thousand dollars.

Sean Lutger is an experienced writer on products offered by the medical industry. Bath lifts are very convenient, safe, and comfortable. Recently, they have become much more affordable because they can now be installed without remodeling or drilling. Learn more by visiting AmeriGlide.

Beam Damage Under Deck

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Does a GFI Do? - Electrical Problems

In your bathroom you should have a GFI electrical outlet. Most new homes or newly remodeled homes require you to have GFI electrical outlets in the kitchen. Most older kitchens do not have GFI electrical outlets. GFI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter.

Why not call it a GFCI instead of a GFI electrical outlet? Well it is called a GFCI in some instances. GFI is short and is the most common name used by most electricians and builders for this type of outlet.

GFI 's come in 15 amp and 20 amperage outlets. GFI outlets must be wired properly. Make sure you're using the proper wire size when hooking up the GFI outlet.

How do I know which size wire to use? This all depends on how far away you are running it from the electrical panel. There are charts you can use to figure this out. If you are not running the electrical wire more than 80 feet from the electrical panel you can use 12 gauge electrical wires for a 20 amp GFI. This is a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

If you're going to be using a 15 amp GFI and you are going to be less than 80 feet away from the electrical panel you can use 14 gauge electrical wires. Again this is just a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

A GFI is a light duty electrical plug used in bathrooms, kitchens and the exterior of your house. The sole purpose of the GFI is to shut the breaker off faster if there is any moisture or light load problems.

Let's say for instance you have your hair dryer plugged into the GFI outlet. The hair dryer somehow falls into the sink while it is on or plugged in. The GFI outlet will instantly shut off because of the sensitivity of the breaker inside of the plug it self.

The GFI plug has a test button and a reset button on it. If you are continually resetting the GFI you will wear it out eventually. I have had GFI plugs after resetting the button about 10 times break and no longer able to use them.

The GFI electrical plug is a great idea and if you don't have them in your bathroom or outside of your home it would be a great idea to have an electrician install them for you.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Home Building Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

San Diego Termite Damage

Drywall Ceilings Water Damage

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Professional Advice on Home Building

If you're a do it yourself or or a homeowner who every once in a while, once to tackle a small or large project but doesn't know where to begin, can gather useful information from home building books. I have been using these books for years and may have been worth their weight in gold.

I started my career working for my father and my father worked for his father as a Carpenter. Our job was to frame the house and we built a Lotta homes. I learned how to frame and developed some great carpentry skills from my father and working with other skilled carpenters. Over the years, if you're paying attention, even a monkey can figure out, how to assemble almost anything.

The only problem that I faced, was learning how to build the rest of the home. I would often ask questions to other building trades like plumbers, electricians, roofers and construction superintendents. Some of these people were helpful and others were not. When I was in my early 30s, I purchased my first book on home building. This book lead to other books and soon I found myself with more home building knowledge that my father.

I had about 50 books on home building and soon found myself doing large home remodels, with no formal education. I would attribute almost everything that I learned outside of house framing to books. These books have proven invaluable to me over the years and with a relatively small investment. I couldn't have spent over $200 purchasing these books but have used the knowledge from them to save myself thousands of dollars.

One $20 home building books or home repairs, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. An online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Water Damaged Wood Floor

Monday, June 8, 2009

Advantages of Framing With Steel Studs

I have heard all sorts of stories over the years of the advantages in framing with steel versus wood studs. One time I even heard you could build an entire house with the amount of recycled steel from a large automobile such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you're building a very small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is that they are extremely straight. I have built nonbearing partition walls using 12 foot 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs and after the drywall you can lay an 8 foot level to check it for straightness on the wall with amazing results.

If you use 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs with 5/8 of an inch drywall you will get an extremely durable and sturdy wall. Framing was steel studs is common in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is done via the drywall contractors.

Steel studs and termites do not mix. You'll never have to worry about these little buggers or other uninvited house pests damaging your walls.

Over the years I have heard stories that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They might be more resistant to fire than wood but keep in mind when metal is hot enough it will bend and warp making it unusable.

When I hear people talking about a fireproof building built with metal framing components my first thought is all of the other materials used in building the house that are not fire resistant. Don't get a false illusion when buying a house framed with steel studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed buildings being earthquake proof this is another story. I really can't comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they seem to create fires. So even if you're building does survive an earthquake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I have framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is limited to nonbearing partition walls usually located in office buildings. I love framing with metal because of its light weight and ease of construction.

I still love framing with wood. There is something about what framing that I have always loved and always will.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Framing Ideas

Jesus Wasnt A Christian

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Using Pictures of Bathrooms For Design

Trying to determine the best new bathroom design can be an overwhelming process, which is why looking at various pictures of bathrooms can help. With this, you can find a room similar to yours in size and configuration, and then look at various styles, colors, and designs so you too can update your room. Today, we see more and more people taking a more serious approach with this room of the house, looking for ways to create something spectacular.

Pictures of bathrooms are a great way to get ideas. Often, being creative is hard so with pictures, you can take some great ideas from other people, incorporating some or all into your own home. Whether looking for pictures of bathrooms for a master suite, hallway bath, or smaller guest bath, you will have a huge array of possibilities. Typically, people look at photos and are inspired, seeing things never before considered.

For instance, you might look at pictures for bathrooms specific to a master suite and find that you want a luxurious type retreat, a place that offers relaxation and sophistication. In this case, something like custom floors with a beautiful motif, marble countertops, shower with custom tile patterns and etched glass, and gorgeous new fixtures would be a wonderful option. Of course, you may prefer an oversized Jacuzzi tub where you can place plants and/or candles for the ultimate, peaceful experience.

For the hallway bath, you might use pictures of bathrooms that are somewhat more laid back. For something like this, you could go with a theme, perhaps a nautical theme, or something Asian. Of course, adding a Talavera sink, Mexican tile on the shower and floor, and rich, warm colors is another wonderful design option. Remember, when looking at pictures of bathrooms that not only can you take a part of what you see but do not be afraid to use your own creativity as well.

For the smaller bathroom, perhaps one off the kitchen or laundry room, you probably want a room that is comfortable but also practical. Just as with the other two bathrooms, we suggest you try not to shy away from color and new, textured materials. Although you typically see material such as travertine used in high-end bathrooms, you may be able to incorporate a small amount in a smaller, less formal bathroom. Again, use pictures of bathrooms as your guide while coming up with some unique possibilities on your own too.

T Agee is an editor for Bathroom Answers. For information on bathroom plans or other questions relating an aquatic tub, stop by.

Four Bolt Shear Wall Hold Down

Need Help Remodeling In Carlsbad

What you are thinking about remodeling your house and you live in Carlsbad. Let me give you some advice about some local contractors and some of the people involved. I used a company called Service Magic to find a local heating and air conditioning contractor. All I had to do was go on the internet , type in some information about my self and what I wanted to have done to my home. This didn't seem that bad of a idea at the time. But look what I found out.

I went to their web site, filled in my information and with in minutes I had received the names of at least 4 contractors. Wow this is neat. I didn't even get to start calling any of them when my phone rang. It was one of the contractors secretaries. She introduced herself and asked what would be a good time for someone to come out to look at the work I wanted done.

I was surprised at the speed things were taking place but in a way glad that I had a reputable contractor from one of the largest construction referral services on the internet. I told her 10:00 would be fine. I got a call shortly after that from one of the other companies. He wanted to meet me that mourning at 8:00 if it was Ok with me. I told him of course, let's do this. Then the next one called and I thought great you can come at 1:00. Well you guessed it the next one was coming over at 2:30.

The first contractor showed up as scheduled at 8:00. We talked about what I wanted done and he whips out his note book and starts figuring out a price. This took place around 15 minutes into the meeting. This guys good I thought. Being a General Contractor in Carlsbad myself, for a job like this I would go back to my office and figure out a price and then double check my figures for a accurate estimate. It took this guy less than 5 minutes to create a proposal of around 10,700 dollars for every thing.

Well I was thinking to myself, the job should be around 7,000 dollars but what do I know about construction. I informed him that I would think about it and that I was going to meet with a couple of other contractors that day. He ask me who the other contractors were. I proceeded to tell him that I probably shouldn't tell him who they were. Well your not going to believe this. He put on his physic hat and told me who was coming over. The only thing he didn't know was what time they where coming over.

Oh I forgot to mention before he left he told me he would knock ten percent off the job if I signed the contract right now. I pretended like I was excited just to see his reaction. He looked at me like he had won the gold metal in sales. I told him thanks but I bet your new offer with the ten percent discount will be good for the next few day. Right I asked. He wasn't looking that excited any more as he replied with a Yes it will be good for a while. I thanked him and he went on his way.

My 10:00 never showed but his secretary gave me the old, " He had to go do a emergency job and could he reschedule tomorrow at the same time. I said that would be fine. As a contractor myself I have always put the work I had to do first and foremost.

About 12:30 I get a call from my next heating and air conditioning contractor. He is running late but will be there at 1:30. I appreciate the call and I will see you then. The only problem now is that I have another contractor coming at 2:30. That give the next contractor less than one hour before the next guy shows up. I never liked going over to someone's house and running into another remodeling contractor.

The next contractor was very informative and knew his stuff. I listened and learned. He told me he was going to have to go back to his office and would have a price back in the mourning. Great I told him as I hurried him out the door.

The last contractor of the day shows up and wants to know whose been over to the house, was it these guys or those guys. I told him I wasn't going to tell him who was over. Now this guy was a salesman. He did a little more probing before he let me in on the fact that his company doesn't do complete home installations. He made up some story that his company only replaces the forced air units. I could tell he didn't want to do the job once he found out I knew what I was talking about. So I said my good byes to Mr. Salesman.

The bad part about him was latter on that week his company sent us some mailers. The kind that doesn't have your name on it and everyone in the neighborhood get's one. I couldn't believe my eyes when I started to read this letter. It said we would be glad to give you an estimate on all your heating and air conditioning needs or services. " We Do Complete Installs". I told my wife we could have used this a few weeks ago. Then I recognized the name of the company and now knew that the salesman had lied to me for sure.

That night I started to think about what was going on here it seemed like I was being set up. Everyone knew what was going on but me. It seemed clear to me that these people knew each other.

Well as time went on we ended up hiring the first guy that came over. He seemed to have the best product at the most reasonable price. His company also did a great job. Keep one thing in mind here out of five contractors that I gave the opportunity to bid the job. Only three showed up and from them I only got two bids. Why didn't I get more bids? Quite frankly I was to busy working at the time and of course the other two guys were always going to show up and that kind of strung me along. My mistake.

Here's the kicker to all of this. Service Magic calls me up one day to tell me they would like to start sending me construction leads as a General Contractor.

I listened to what they had to say and was almost ready to sign up with them again. That's right, I was signed up with them when they first started until they changed the rules on me. The salesman that originally contacted me said if I paid them the 100 dollar sign up fee they would let me pick what jobs I wanted to do. That lasted about 5 months before I noticed that they were not sending me siding referrals to pick from. I called them up only to talk to someone who didn't understand the State Of California Contractors Licensing Board.

Well I wasn't about to reinvent the wheel. I simply told them that I should a least get my money back, right. They said they would look into it further as I never heard from them again about my 100 dollars. Well things have changed at Service Magic since I was with them when they started.
As a home owner you don't think you are paying Service Magic because all you do is fill out a simple form giving some information about yourself.

I found out that Service Magic sent all four of these contractors my original information. Each contractor then had to pay 55 dollars each to Service Magic for a total of 220 dollars. All I have to say is how are they getting away with charging this much money for sending a out a simple referral to these contractors.

The contractor unfortunately passes this expense on to his customers. You as the home owners end up paying these fees as a cost of doing business with them. Some contractors think this is a great way of doing business but you might think differently in the future if you start paying over 100 dollars for a simple construction referral.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Visit us now for Home Improvement Tips

Loving People With Kindness

Saturday, June 6, 2009

RV Window Repair

When things like damaged or distorted window corners occur in your recreational vehicle, you don't fret at all. RV Window Repair is offered by RV yards and manufacturers. Repairing an RV window isn't as simple as scotch-taping a torn money bill. You need the expertise or guidance of a repair's man.

Your RV Window basically comprises the window covers and sliders that are usually two sets which glide close and open on a metal path. When these sliders are not functioning, you need to undergo RV Window Repair before built-in drain channels get affected further and allow water to come inside your recreational vehicle. The sliders can be repaired, otherwise replaced.

The window covers in your recreational vehicle defend your control panels from losing its texture due to overexposure of sunlight. They also give you safety from intruders or any outside disturbances especially when you need to enjoy private moments. Your RV is kept cold and refreshing if windows are closed. But when covers start to fall apart, your windows can go astray, thus tending you to get RV Window Repair.

When getting an RV Window Repair for your heavy duty vinyl or high impact fiber glass RV windows, you must make sure the right approach is implemented by the repair's man. The significance of your RV windows cannot be disregarded, so you must be wary about them getting repaired in case of damage. Usually, the change in climate (say transition from summer to winter) can give an uncontrollable effect to your windows. Just anticipate this scenario. Anything you get for recreation has both beauty and pain, and you being the owner should be equipped with the right approaches to address them.

In situations when your window drainers are plugged, water can penetrate and eventually overflow the path. So, you must check if there are signs of abnormalities in your putty tapes. If so, then you must get RV Window Repair by taking the whole windows off the path and sealing them again with new putty tapes like silicone or butyl. You don't need to buy brand new windows. It's just the putty tape not being cooperative.

In applying RV Window Repair to bigger windows, you need an extra hand to remove them carefully before re-sealing. You must also make sure you take out the previous sealant before putting on the new one. It's suggested that a generous amount is placed on the windows so that they are installed back firmly and securely. Ensuring that the windows are installed equally within perimeters is also wise.

Additional expense can be stressful. Before anything can go as worse as buying a brand new window, you can take the lighter side of the situation via RV Window Repair. Others just impulsively resort to buying brand new windows without even consulting a small damage is repairable and can still function back to its original state.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about rv window repair, please visit Maintaining Your RV for current articles and discussions.

Wood Post Bottom With Filler

Glass Bottles

In the modern world, the use of glass and the need for the same is slowly diminishing. This is due to the fact that environmentalists have argued that it is better to replace such bottles with recyclable materials such as plastic. The latter is much lighter meaning it can be easily carried around, it is unbreakable compared to the former and the cost of manufacturing it is much lower.

Most beverage companies have adhered to these demands and have resorted to packing their drinks in pets, but for others such as those who deal with wine, it would be hard to do so since the temperature of wine would never allow it to be packed in any other material other than glass bottles. There are many advantages associated with this kind of packaging, an explanation why the ware will not depart from us as yet.

The quality of the material used in its making is one of the advantages that is associated with using it as a packaging material. The material is pure with no chemicals in it making it possible to have the beverage kept free from impurities. On the other hand, plastics are associated with chemicals that may contaminate the beverage making it unhealthy for consumption.

Glass bottles are also known for their ability to retain the temperature of the beverage, an example being wine which needs to be stored in a certain temperature and as such, the material comes in handy. For this case, the type of drink in question also matters in that some require thick storage materials while others require those made of thin materials.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Stained Glass. For More Information on Glass bottles, Visit His Site at GLASS BOTTLES You Can Also Add Your Views About Glass bottles At My Blog here GLASS BOTTLES

Auto Repair Yourself - Fix Your Vehicles at Home For Less

Every time something goes wrong with your car, you have to take it in to the shop. With every repair, comes that hefty repair bill. As you look at the bill, you cannot imagine why it costs so much to fix your car. You think of how much money you could save if you could do auto repair yourself. However, like most people, you do not have a clue how to repair cars. However, you should be aware that there are many ways you can learn auto repair and can end up saving yourself quite a bit of money.

Friends and Family

If you have any friends and family that are knowledgeable about auto repairs, you should consult them and ask if they can help you learn some auto repair basics. If you have friends or family that are kind enough to help you learn how to repair your car, make sure that you give them something back for helping you. Perhaps there is something you can teach them, or maybe just take them out for a dinner.


You can find tons of books dedicated to auto repair. These books will cover everything from the basics to more complex issues. You can find auto repair books at the local book store, at auto repair shops, or even at the library. If you are looking to buy a repair book, but do not want to spend too much, you should check out a used book store and see what repair books they have available.

If you choose to learn auto repair from a book, you should evaluate your learning process. Some people learn better from books than others. If you have a hard time learning from books, then this may not be the option for you. Also, it is important to know that some books are written better than others. It may be worth asking around and seeing what books are recommended for a beginner.


The Internet is a great resource to learn auto repair. You can find online repair guides to help you learn how to fix what is wrong with your car. Also, there are several discussion forums where people post tips on auto repair and where you can ask questions about your specific situation.

You can also purchase repair books online. You may find the repair books to be cheaper online than in brick and mortar stores.


Another option for learning auto repair yourself is to take a class. There are several places you can take an auto repair class. You can take a class from the local college or at a community center. These classes will often be taught in the evening or on weekends to accommodate work schedules.

Get To It

Now that you are aware of some of the ways to learn about auto repair, you should see what option will work best for you. Once you learn more about auto repair and can make repairs by yourself, you can save quite a bit of money for yourself and your family.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about auto repair yourself, please visit My Auto Repair Tips Blog for current articles and discussions.

Small Crack In Floor Slab

Friday, June 5, 2009

Getting a Contracted Painter - Home Repair Tips

Finding extra help for home improvement projects is very important if the homeowner is out of their element when it comes to fixing up their house. Most contractors are aware of their clients' inability to effectively plan these projects, so they often lend their professional advice to get things moving. A good contractor will be able to help with planning and will provide excellent results that the homeowner will be proud of.

A contracted painter will be very valuable if they are able to assist in the planning phases of a project. When things go smoothly from the start, it is usually a sign of things to come. Making sure that everything is in order and all phases of the project are planned out as much as possible will allow the homeowner to relax knowing that their project is planned and in good hands with their contracted painter. Going at it alone is not advised, as many homeowners lack the skill and training to properly paint their home's exterior. A professional painter will have been properly trained in house painting and will know the ins and outs of the craft.

Knowing where things tend to go wrong and how to avoid problems before they occur will help to keep things moving along. When everything is flowing nicely, the homeowner will enjoy their house sooner, so getting things moving and keeping them that way is important. A contracted painter is very important to the overall success of a project. Practicing good communication is another key in making sure things run efficiently, so be sure to keep the contractor on the same page.

More information on College Works Painting is just a click away.

Drywall Joint Water Damage

What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

Do you want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy? Alternative energy like solar power is starting to become known as the future power source, and I am glad to say that I am already harnessing solar power in my home. With the rise of electricity and heating fuel prices predicted in the near future, it is likely that more people will start looking at solar and other forms of renewable energy to run their houses.

1. What Are The Main Disadvantages Of Using Solar Energy?

Solar power systems may be difficult to install in home areas where there is very little space. It requires a large area to effectively capture solar energy to work efficiently. Also, the total costs to buy these systems ready-made are not cheap. It is likely that these systems will cost less in the future, but I have been able to spend less than $180 to build this system on my own with a step-by-step guide that I had downloaded on the web.

Finally, the photovoltaic cells of solar systems can be damaged by pollution. The amount of energy that can be harnessed may occasionally be decreased when there are clouds that reduce the sun rays' energies. Newer technologies are being researched to overcome these problems and optimize the power of solar electric systems.

2. What Are The Advantages Of Using Solar Power?

Solar energy systems can produce a lot of electricity without polluting the environment, and there is no chance that it will run out soon. The silicon in 1 ton of sand inside the photovoltaic cell of a solar energy system can generate as much power as burning 1,000s of tons of coal.

Solar power is going to become the most cost effective and efficient ways to make electricity. It has helped thousands of households like mine enjoy more electrical usage without increasing the burden of our electricity bills. Thousands of people have already eliminated their own home electricity bills with the free energy system. They learned how to build it by downloading a step-by-step guide online. You can find out more about how to build this homemade power system at the website link below.

Are you interested to power your home with Solar Energy? Do not try any windmill and solar power system scams until you read the author's review of the Best Home Energy Systems at first!

The author has managed to reduce his energy bill by more than 80% by building his own renewable home energy system. Check out his website to find out how to do it!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to Prevent Swallows From Building Nests on Your Home

Here come the Swallows, it must be spring. Each year these beautiful birds begin to build their mud nests on our buildings, barns, homes and other areas like bridges. The eave of your home provides the perfect nest building spot for swallows; providing protection form the elements and predators. Each year homeowners are plagued with swallow nests and the mess and debris they bring with them.

It is worth noting that in the United States, all swallows are classified as migratory insectivorous birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Swallows are also protected by state regulations. Once the birds have begun to build their nests it is too late to get rid of them. Control methods should be enacted before the swallows return. This will guard against potential fines for disturbing nests or injuring the birds.

Nesting Sites:

Swallows will usually build their nests in a nice shady spot such as under the eaves of a home, bridge or overpasses, and other areas with right angles to the walls. The swallows will choose a wall texture that is easy to "stick" their nesting material to such as wood, stucco, masonry and concrete.


Swallows like to nest in colonies thus causing a large problem for building and homeowners. Thousands of dollars of damage is caused each year from their droppings and nesting debris. Not only is the droppings left behind by swallows unsightly, it can be hazardous; carrying diseases that can be transmitted to humans. The nests will eventually fall to the ground where there is a chance that the bugs, fleas, ticks and mites found in them can spread to domestic animals such as dogs and cats.

How to Deter:

Exclusion is the best method of deterring pest swallows. You must make it impossible for the birds to build their nests. There are several methods of exclusion that can be used.

Bird Netting: A plastic netting with a 3/4 " mesh can be hung from the outer edge of the eave of the home down to the side of the wall creating a 45 degree angle. This will keep the swallows from getting into the favored sheltered space under the eaves of homes and buildings to build their nests. Note: Install the netting before the swallows arrive. It may be left up all year or taken down after the nesting season.

Bird Spikes: Installing plastic or stainless steel birds spikes at the junction where the wall meets the home keep the swallows from getting a foothold on the wall and attaching their nesting material. Bird spikes are easy to install using adhesive or screws.

Slippery Panels: There are products available that create a smooth surface under the eave of your home so that the swallows are not able to "stick" their nesting material to it. These products are generally made of a PVC plastic that is attached under the eave with adhesive. Creating a slick surface on the nesting walls will discourage the birds and they will look elsewhere to find a good nesting spot.

NOTE: Do not use a sticky gel to deter Swallows. The gel should only be use for ledges where birds land, not walls.

The best advise to keep swallows off of your home or commercial building is to do something before the swallows arrive. Put up netting, bird spikes, slippery panels or other means of deterring nest building before the swallows begin to build. Once the birds arrive and start building their nests, it is nearly impossible to get rid of them. Some will try to hose down the nests at they are being built to no avail. The swallows are tenacious birds and will just keep building and building if the spot is ideal for them. You must also be aware of the laws that protect these birds; you do not want to be fined!

Need help to get rid of pest birds? Contact Bird-B-Gone, Inc. the experts in bird control solutions since 1992. Call today 1-800-392-6915 or visit us at

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lawn Mower Repair

Lawn mowers need repairs from time to time depending on the extent of damage suffered. Maintaining a lawn mower needs meticulous planning.

Repairing lawn mowers can be time-consuming, and trying to repair one that frequently suffers damage can take up much time, which in a majority of circumstances can eat into the total mowing season.

Most frequently, when a mower fails to function properly, one would likely trace the problem by its symptoms. For example, if a spark plug needs to be replaced, one might speculate that the engine is failing to receive gas, or there could be snags in the carburetor. One of the key aspects related to lawn mowers is that maintenance is of greater importance than repair, and this holds the key to the smooth functioning of a mower.

The basic thing that needs to be remembered is that after mowing is complete, the engine and the blades should be painstakingly tidied. The mower as a rule should not be cleaned with water, but scraping the underside of the deck and making use of an air compressor to flush the air-filter, carburetor and the engine block and pulleys is quite an effective way of preserving the appearance and operation of the mower.

If a problem is serious, one should contemplate whether investing money to fix the mower is a viable option. In case the trouble is related to the engine, one should check whether the engine is receiving the required fuel or verify whether it is operating correctly with the ignition.

Lawn Mowers provides detailed information on Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mower Parts, Riding Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mower Repair and more. Lawn Mowers is affiliated with Blower Fans.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cutting Stair Handrailing Video

Stair building tips for installing lights and decking, handrail tips and some deck advice.

For more helpful home improvement information visit:

Stair Building Help

Drywall Books
Home Security Books

Tin Tiles Ceiling Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions include 4 basic components excluding accessories:

1) Main Panel: The main panel is the largest panel to be installed. Most technicians do not recommend you starting a row of panels along a wall or using a wall as a guide because often times walls are not exactly parallel and can cause an unattractive misalignment. If a project is finished with misaligned materials it is time consuming to correct.

Before beginning installation, it is a great practice to measure the wall at each end of the room and then make a mark at the center of the wall. Utilizing a "snap chalk line" really helps. Next, measure the adjacent walls, find the center and snap a second chalk line here. You will then have a chalked "T" section, which marks the center of the room. Depending on the size of the panels your installing, they may align with the chalk lines or a measured distance from the centerline, which can easily be done with a tape measure. Next. Install a row of panels along the length of the room. It is most important for your first row to be aligned correctly as this will make it easy to align the following panels. Most technicians install the second row on one side of the center line row of panels, then one on the other side, then one on the other side and so on working your way towards the outer areas of the wall or ceiling. According to technicians, this method has been much easier and more accurate than that of working from one side to the other. Always install all of your main panels first leaving about the last 6 to 10 in. of area to be covered by the filler panels.

2) Filler Panel: Filler panels are then used to cover the outer areas that the main panels did not. You will need to cut your filler panels to size. If you can install the main panels so that there is only about 1 ft. or less of uncovered area, that's perfect. The filler panel is to be slightly tucked under the edge of the main panel. Once you reach the desired location for the filler panel, nail the perimeter of the main panel while also nailing through the filler panel. If you are using a molding strip, the filler panel does not have to be tucked under the main panel. Just make sure the gap between the main and filler panel is not larger than the molding strip. Obviously, the purpose of the molding strip is to cover gaps.

3) Cornice: Measure down the wall the depth of the cornice that you will be using. Snap a chalk-line to determine the bottom of the cornice along the wall. Start nailing from one corner to the other wall. Miters can be cut by hand, or a power miter box using an abrasive disk. The cornice has a finished edge providing you visual guide as to which end is to be placed against the wall. Install a cone-head nail or paneling nail into the beaded edge every 6 ". The cornice is to be installed over the field or filler panels depending on whether or not you used filler panels.

4) Molding: The last and easiest step is installing the molding strip. Place the beads of the molding over the beaded edge of the field panels. This will keep the panels straight and aligned.

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Safe Stair Construction - Stair Building Tips

As a general rule of thumb in stair building the sum of the tread and riser should equal around 17 1/2 inches. This is a general rule of thumb for a comfortable, easy to walk up and down set of stairs.

For example if your stair tread is 10 inches and the stair riser is 7 1/2 inches you have a comfortable stairway. Walking up and down a stairway using this formula creates a comfortable set of stairs. The next time you walk down any uncomfortable set of stairs measure the stair tread and riser. You will be amazed at what you'll find.

For public stairs or heavily used stairs this method will become one of your best friends. On public stairs you have liability issues and of course lawyer issues if you are the owner of the building. If you are not building a safe set of stairs that meets your local building codes standards you could be in for a whopping financial nightmare.

Building safe stairs as a contractor is your obligation to society. I don't know how many times I come across a loose stair tread or a broken hand rail. One of the biggest problems I find is in the poorer neighborhoods you come across some major construction problems and safety hazards. I never have been able to figure out why a building owner would not want to protect himself financially and the people that occupy and use his buildings safety.

Here's something you need to avoid when using the stair building general rule of thumb. This rule of thumb does not apply to good to an 8 inch tread with a 9 1/2 inch stair rise. You don't want to be building a latter you want to be building a safe set up stairs.

The maximum stair rise you can use for most building codes is 8 inches. You will not find the stairway to comfortable with a 9 1/2 inch stair tread and an 8 inch riser. If you have no choice and are cramped for space and you can't redesign this stairway to fit in the house or building then at least make sure you have a nice sturdy grip able stair hand rail.

This formula works great when you are working with exterior landscaping and you have a long run of stairs with a small rise. For example: if you have a 14 inch stair tread and you use a 4 inch riser this will lead to a comfortable step.

Look for stairs in your neighborhood or around some apartment complexes that don't follow these rules and have 16 inch stair treads with 7 inch risers. You will find yourself taking two steps on the stair tread on every other step and it is not a real comfortable stairway.

Happy stair building and keep this formula in mind for a nice comfortable set of stairs in your building future.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

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