Monday, March 24, 2008

Central Vacuum Cleaners

- The Easiest Way To Keep Your Whole House Cleaner
By: Abigail Franks

One of the biggest challenges anyone with a home faces is the constant lugging the cleaning supplies and vacuum cleaner around the house. This is especially true with a 2 story home. The answer however is found in quality central vacuum cleaner systems.

A central vacuum cleaner typically has a much larger motor and suction capability and larger holding capacity. These units are installed outside or in a non obtrusive area inside your home with hose attachment points installed in various places of your home. So when you want to vacuum the upstairs bedrooms, it's a simple matter to go to the vacuum connection point, attach the hose and you're ready to go. These are also not just vacuum however. Most central vacuum cleaning systems feature powered tools that clean deeply and quickly.

The question then comes up " what is the best central vacuum system" available? The answer, as with most everything is that it depends. Central vacuum systems are available in many designs. Here are a few things to consider

1. Is room to install the unit an issue? Then a compact sized footprint is important to consider.

2. Do you want to do more than just vacuum the carpet and flooring? How about cleaning and vacuuming your mattresses? It can help keep dust under control, a major trigger for allergy and asthma sufferers. If cleaning the dust from curtains, shutters and even lampshades is important, be sure to check out the full line of attachments available.

3. Next is the type of vacuum desires. Central vacuums now are available in a variety of designs including cyclonic units, filtered and bag types.

4. Installation, although not difficult may be an issue with homes already built. You would want a unit with parts designed for quick and easy installation in your home.

So although a central vacuum cleaner may be more effort to get installed and up and running, the benefits cannot be ignored. Remember central vacuum cleaning systems can clean a lot more than the carpet, are easier and more convenient to use, are much quieter to operate and do a good job for those with allergies.

We have several interesting articles on tips and suggestions about selecting a central vacuum system, The benefits of convienience, speed and vacuuming quality are just some of the many benefits of a central vacuum cleaner system. These units come in a wide variety of types with one to fit every size and budget.

About The Author

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, travel, health, and education. For More information on Vacuum Cleaners visit the site at