Monday, August 31, 2009

Discover the Hidden Secrets to a Clean a Bathroom in the Least Amount of Time

Every one of us would like our bathrooms at home to be extremely clean; we would like to make this room as the cleanest room at home. Unfortunately, this is the worst area to clean. You will find that this is the dirtiest thing one can come across; however, it has to be done by someone or other. You must collect all items required for cleaning the bathrooms before starting your work.

At the time of preparing for general house cleaning, it is sufficient if you gather your cleaning supplies in a bin so that this bin can be carried from one place to the other. However, this is not sufficient for bathroom cleaning because bathrooms use practically all the cleaning products that the whole house uses.

Hence, it is essential that you have another bin wherein all the bathroom cleaning supplies are held. These supplies are soup scum and mildew remover, bathroom surface cleaner, window washing fluid, toilet bowl cleaner, dust rags, paper towels, sponges, scrub brush, and floor cleaner.

Before you start cleaning the bathroom, you should remove all dirty clothes and towels that are inside and send them for laundry. In addition, you must also take out the rugs to facilitate washing. One of the most difficult parts in the bathroom cleaning is the shower cleaning.

Normally, this is the place where soap scum and mildew buildup takes place if it is not cleaned regularly. Since this is the hardest part of cleaning, maximum energy of yours will be spent here and hence you should start your cleaning job from here. In case you find that the soap scum in the shower is pretty bad, you should soak this with the cleaner for sometime before you start scrubbing it.

You must also clean the shower curtain/ shower door as well as the track. A large number of cleaning products to clean a shower are available in the market and you could choose any of them based on your experience.

Once you finished cleaning, you should rinse the shower with water well. This will ensure that all loose dirt and chemicals are washed out. Once you complete cleaning the shower, you should take up cleaning of bathroom mirrors.In many houses people have a tendency to write messages on the mirror after a hot shower has made it all foggy. The problem here is that this leaves streaks on the mirror that have to be properly cleaned.

After cleaning the mirror, you should dust the shelves, moldings, door frames and baseboards with rags. The next step in the bathroom cleaning process is cleaning of the sink including the facets. You can use the same product that you normally use to clean bathroom or kitchen surfaces for cleaning the sink, counter tops or the pedestal of a pedestal sink.

The next step is the dirtiest part of bathroom cleaning viz. the toilet. You will find that there are different areas of the toilet that require cleaning and each require different cleaning technique.

You should use a regular toilet brush and toilet bowl cleaner to clean the inside of the toilet; the bowl cleaner can be taken from a container or you can use a disposable toilet bowl cleaner. You should wipe clean the rim of the bowl, the under part of the lid and the seat.

For cleaning the back of the toilet and the pedestal you can use a good surface cleaner. Normally, people do not clean the pedestal especially towards the back near the floor by oversight. The last but not the least important thing in the bathroom cleaning is mopping up the floor and also emptying the garbage.

It is preferable to use paper towels to clean the bathroom although using sponges and rags is eco-friendly. The preference to paper towels is due to the fact that you will find a lot of germs floating around in the bathroom and you can clean it with paper towels and throw it in the garbage. You can throw all the dirty paper towels in the bathroom garbage and empty the garbage later.

Martha Quincy Witherspoon gives tips on how to clean your house in the fastest way possible. You can download her newest book "ZOOMcleaning" now in eBook form at her website.

Clean House Fast

Clean Bathroom Fast

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