Friday, September 4, 2009

Lower Your Electric Bill

Looking to lower your electric bill and start saving money? Check out the tips below and start saving today. Hopefully all of us can not only save money but also save the environment at the same time!

Did you know that of the total energy consumed in America, about 39% is used to generate electricity. Most of the electricity in the US is generated from fossil fuels.

We can all start making small changes to not only lower our electricity bills, but to also clean up our environment.

Here are tips to help you!

1. Turn of lights! Don't forget about the T.V., computer, and video games. You should also unplug items (such as your microwave & alarm clock) as well, even though they are turned off they are still using energy!

2. Clean or replace your air conditioner filter. This will not only cut cost, your unit will also run more efficiently.

3. Wash your clothes in cold water, and try to wash your clothes at night. Running your dryer during the day will cause your home to warm up, and in return kick you air conditioner on in order to cool it down.

4. Close vents in unused rooms.

5. Use energy efficient light bulbs. This may be an investment in the beginning, however they will save you in the long run.

Following these tips will certainly help you lower your electric bill. We all leave our footprints here are earth long after we are gone. Lets all make a change that will positively affect generations to come.

To learn more about solar energy, and drastically lower your electric bill click here!

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